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7.279/10 by 244 users
Genre: Drama
First Air Date: 2016-08-28
Last Air Date: 2019-05-12
Number of Seasons: 3
Number of Episodes: 24
Runtime: 45 min
Overview: The story of Queen Victoria, who came to the throne at a time of great economic turbulence and resurgent republicanism – and died 64 years later the head of the largest empire the world had ever seen, having revitalised the throne’s public image and become “grandmother of Europe”.
Stars: Jenna Coleman (Queen Victoria), Tom Hughes (Prince Albert), Nell Hudson (Nancy Skerrett), Ferdinand Kingsley (Francatelli), Adrian Schiller (Penge), Tommy Knight (Archibald Brodie), Louisa Bay (Princess Vicky), Anna Wilson-Jones (Lady Emma Portman), Jordan Waller (Lord Alfred Paget), Lily Travers (Duchess Sophie of Monmouth), Laurie Shepherd (Prince Bertie), Kate Fleetwood (Princess Feodora), Laurence Fox (Lord Palmerston), John Sessions (Lord John Russell), David Burnett (Joseph)